In honor of Dr. King and MLK day, we ask LiveFive team member, Mikayla, what this day means to her.

“What does Martin Luther King Day mean to you?”

MLK day serves as a day of remembrance for me–looking at my past and my family that came before me, and remembering the strength that they had and passed down to me. It is easy to get caught up in everything that is going on in my own life, but today, I work to understand how far we have come and to be inspired to continue to work for a better future.

Dr. King used his talents and gifts to be of service to others and help lift them up. That is something that should inspire us all: to remember that we are all human and offer some humanity to those we meet in life. Whether it’s providing comfort to another or being of service in the community.

– Mikayla

SEO & Digital Marketing Specialist

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